Author: Wally

Lost and Forgotten

My cohorts ran off to the Arkansas Brewers Guild conference and festival in Little Rock, but forgot to bring me.  Now they’re sending me pictures of the opening of Lagunitas beer in Arkansas. At the Flying Saucer no less.  Life isn’t fair folks. I might have a few surprises waiting for them when they return.…

Testing the tech

Just testing out my technological skills. I’m trying to get prepped for some HUGE adventures coming up. Stay tuned because I’ll be broadcasting worldwide! Be sure to check out my twitter @wallyjackalope


So… I’m Wally. I’m a jackalope which means some people think I’m mythical… But I’m LEGENDARY. I go on adventures. I enjoy seeing the world, whether via cross-country road trips, strapped to the front of a kayak paddling down a river, causing difficulties in airport security… Welcome to the chronicles of my roaming… And that…